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Use Keyboard instead of Mouse to work faster

Move over Mister Mouse: When speed counts, the keyboard is still king!

Almost all the actions and commands you can perform with a mouse you can perform faster using combinations of keys on your keyboard. These simple keyboard shortcuts can get you where you want to go faster than several clicks of a mouse. You'll work faster on spreadsheets and similar documents, too, because you won't lose your place switching back and forth between mouse and keys.

Try this example:

Press the Windows key (WinKey) - found between the Ctrl and Alt keys - to open the Start Menu. Press the cursor keys to move around the menu items. Press the Enter key to open a highlighted item. Press the Alt and F4 keys simultaneously to close the item. Press the F2 Key to rename files Press the F3 key to search/find

In next few days we will post shortcut keys of almost every command of windows. Keep visiting....

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