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Antivirus 360 threat Remover

Information: This virus is a clone of Antivirus 2008 (or 2009). It is a rogue.It tries to push user into purchasing of a licensed version with falsified threats. A threat that doesn't exist.

Files:      create file in the directory A360.exe

  • programs Files\A360\av360.exe 

  • Desktop\Antivirus 360.lnk

And the "Antivirus 360" in the Start menu>Programs.

  •    Program Files\A360

Process : Create this system process

  •  Program Files\A360\av360.exe

Windows Registry:    

  • Create Keys : 
               o  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\06C01E83FD0117ADEAF3E568AB559C01

  • Create Values : 
          o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer                 + UserSession = "06C01E83FD0117ADEAF3E568AB559C01"           o HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\                 + Run= "13376694984709702142491016734454"
  • Change Values:
          o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]                 + AntiVirusOverride = 0x00000001                 + FirewallOverride = 0x00000001

You may download Antivirus 360 Removal patch from the following website

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